Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finally in Orvieto

After what seemed like two day traveling we finally arrived in Italy. My plan to sleep on the plane did not work out as I had hoped and I have been alternating between exploring the city and power naps. After leaving Washington DC we had an 8 hour flight to Rome on a 767, I had an aisle seat. The bus ( which ended up being a very nice Mercedes Benz touring bus ) was late and we had a mob of American students standing in the Rome airport for a while. Once we got on the bus it took about 5 minutes before passing our first McDonald's but happily I haven't seen once since. I didn't take much longer and we were all asleep until arriving in the lower portion of Orvieto. We all woke up just in time to watch the driver navigate a bus up narrow switch back roads leading to the top of the cliff and the main part of Orvieto. We arrived in the Piazza Cahen and were divided up into our apartment groups. I live with Craig and Nick in a three bedroom apartment. The apartment is located in a three story building ( we live on the top floor ) located on Via dei Dolci ( Street of Sweets ) which is a whole 10 feet wide ( 3.04 meters ). It is very nice however compact. Our apartment is located off of the Piazza Duomo and is the closest of all apartments to the study center which is on the south end of the Piazza Duomo. The Piazza Duomo and Via dei Dolci are connected by Vicolo dei Dolci ( Alley of Sweets ).  The Duomo itself is incredible. The pictures they showed us before going did not capture the size at all. The facade of the Duomo faces west so when the sun sets it lights it up making it even more beautiful. I have my first cooking class with Chef Lorenzo Saturday morning.

more later


Duomo facade in afternoon light

Vicolo dei Dolci


  1. OMG How absolutely gorgeous!! As your former art teacher (many many years ago) I hope you'll try a few sketches while you're there. Keep up the blogs! All of us in frozen Missouri can enjoy from afar! Take care, Ellen

  2. Miss you Anthony... and excited for your experience in Italy. Man you were not kidding about feeling like you are walking around in a painting. Hmmm I wonder if they think paintings of cow farms in Iowa are cultured in Europe?? Doubt it. No offense to Iowa...
    The girls have no school tomorrow... hopefully we can get in touch somehow.
