Friday, January 21, 2011

wine, food, and gelato.. oh... yeah, and classes

Orvieto is an amazing town. It is full of nice people and amazing places. the weather hasn't been quite as nice as our first day. It has been cloudy with a light rain, we even saw some snow for a bit but nothing stuck.

the food here is amazing ( needless to say ). pizza is sold by the kilogram and is so good and extremely cheep ( 2 euros worth will fill you up ). a lot of the shop owners speak at least some english and more than willing to help. we have started to make friends with Tomazo. he owns a corner store on our street that he sells panini out of. so far i have tried the proscuitto, capicola, and salami, all of which are amazing. he constantly changes out the bread he makes them with to whatever is fresh. he is very interested in learning english so we help him with english and he helps us with italian. a lot places are more grab and go for food, we have only sat down to eat twice so far. we randomly picked a resturant and ended up hitting the gold mine. it was a small hole in the wall named trattoria da Carlo. he spoke very good english and was very excited to hear that we are students living in Orvieto. we started out with a liter of both house wines ( white and red ). we only ordered some pasta but he brought us some appetizers anyway. his mom works with him and she does a lot of the cooking. she didn't speak any english but she was always laughing with us and having Carlo translate short phrases. we were a group of 7 guys and Carlo kept asking where the girls were. there hasn't been a day that i have gone without gelato. chocolate gelato is like eating cold brownie batter. amazing.

nick and i tried our hand at cooking last night ( before either of us have had cooking classes ). we were able to hold our own at the market and communicate enough to get what we needed. we made some penne pasta with a red sauce. it wasn't toooooo bad but Chef Lorenzo has alot of work to do.

we had class today with Marco. Marco is from Naples but speaks very well. we get to travel with him most weekends this semester.


this cat was very friendly and if you wern't petting it, it would pet itself on you and the castle is awesome.

nick drinking in the view

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!! These pictures just keep topping one another. The cat picture is my favorite. Awesome!
